Akamai attributed the increase in attacks on APIs in the financial sector to the adoption of open banking in India's banking system.
faces Total 193 million cyber attacks between December 2021 and February 2022,
On Applications programming interfaces (APIs), Which make India 5th
most cyber attacked country in the world, data provided by cybersecurity
company (Akamai).
Topcountries with more APIs attacks were in that period USA, Germany, Australia and United Kingdom.
found that cyber attacks in India were focused on financial, e-commerce and
other digital media sectors.22.6% attacks on financial services, 30.2^ counted
for e-commerce and 32.6% are other digital media like social media.
“What we've noticed is that India is now a
leading API economy, and actually it is the leader when it comes to using API's
in banking and e-commerce and across other industries. It has also been pushed
because of open banking regulation etc.”
have notices that India is now API leading economy, and in fact India is a
leader in using APIs in banking and e-commerce and other industries.”
we have notices is that more than 90%of traffics in consumer to application or
B to B business is on API based. Clearly, attackers have taken note and are
switching to these types of attacks,” Houari
Why API Use?
APIs are preferred be because
there is no any personal protocol, and don’t required to write your code. You
can use APIs, which is based on open code. (anyone can use it).
The essential API that is significantly being used in India
and in different spots is the REST API. "REST API is basically used to
speak with HTTP as a convention. In HTTP, which is the most broadly utilized on
the web meaning, you know, a client sends a solicitation, to send data or get
At the point when an API sends a solicitation, the
solicitation can be very well legitimate, however a programmer can play with
the code and infuse a malevolent document.
Between the time span, Akamai likewise kept two significant
spikes in assault recurrence. The first, in December, concurred with the
disclosure of a weakness in log4j, a logging library based on famous coding
language Java and implanted in endless Java applications and administrations.
Local file
Akamai's exploration additionally observed that most of the
hacks on APIs in India were not SQL infusion, but rather were nearby record
infusions (LFI). SQL is a data set question language, through which programmers
can embed orders to get to data sets and get information.
Though, Houari made sense of, LFI is an assault strategy
where the aggressor attempts to fool a web application into running or
uncovering records on a web server.
"For instance, when a site page gets as information
the way to a record with unsanitized content, the server would permit the
substance of the document to run as a feature of the web application code. This
empowers the aggressor to remotely execute pernicious code, for example,
malware, which could be the main phase of a ransomware assault," Houari
What's the
Aside from the push in reception of APIs, Houari likewise
pointed towards designers who don't have API security as a main priority while
building applications, as an explanation for the ascent in such assaults.
"The fast reception of DevOps as a component of the
product improvement life cycle has likewise expanded the utilization of APIs
for stage the board and reconciliation. The gamble of uncovering API keys or
delicate information shared on open-source stores like GitHub has turned into a
serious gamble. Most designers don't have API security as a main priority while
building their applications and it is basic for organizations to embrace a security
procedure to get all their public and confidential APIs," Houari said.
He prescribed designers to embrace a security first methodology in the improvement of APIs. "Designers ought to take on security checks from code to runtime with code assessment and API approval.